Skin Peel Training Course

Our Sydney based skin peel training course is coming soon! This course will cover everything you need to know about chemical peels, including determining which one is suitable for different skin types and how to perform them on a client. You’ll receive a professional certificate of achievement upon competition of your course.

If you’re interested in signing up or pre-booking your spot for this training course, you can find out more below.

The date for our next skin peel training course is to be confirmed, If you’re looking to book for this course, you can contact us by phone 02 8011 3380 or hello@ultimatebeautyacademy.com.au


Our intense skin peel training course will teach you everything you need to know about advanced chemical peel treatments. We’ll be covering the most popular chemical peels for treating skin conditions like acne, premature ageing, and hyperpigmentation. Our skin peel training course focuses on the theoretical knowledge you need to understand how chemical peels work and their impact on the skin. You’ll become confident in performing these treatments on any skin type and be ready to offer them to your clients.

A chemical peel is a facial treatment which involves applying a chemical solution directly to the skin. The products have a higher ingredient concentration than what you would find in your at-home skincare products. Your client’s skin needs will usually determine which chemical peel you offer them. A facial peel will regenerate the skin and trigger the renewal process to promote the growth of new cells. If you want to provide skin treatments to your clients, your portfolio won’t be complete unless you offer a chemical peel.

Course Outline

At Ultimate Beauty Academy, we designed our skin peel training course for beginners and those who want to top up their skills and offer a new service to their clients. We’ll cover everything you need to know; from different chemical peels you can offer to how to understand common skin conditions.

By the end of your course, you’ll be ready to go out and offer your chemical peel treatments to clients and build your portfolio.

  • Different chemical peels
  • Understanding common skin conditions and how to treat them
  • How a chemical peel aids skin rejuvenation and can treat acne and hyperpigmentation.
  • Wound healing and at-home post-treatment care
  • Adverse reactions and how to care for them
  • How to integrate chemical peels to your list of treatment
  • Professional certificate of achievement (upon completion). 

The Ultimate Beauty Academy Skin Peel Training Course is priced at $2,050 and takes Two-days to complete. If you have any questions about the course, feel free to reach out to us.

Our online Skin Peel Training Course is coming soon! This course will cover everything you need to know about facials, from deep cleansing to detoxifying treatments.

All Ultimate Beauty Academy courses will be held inside Skin & body rescue Clinic in double bay at chosen times. This space provides a hygienic aesthetic space to train with all materials needed to complete the courses!

Private Classes Available (One to one): contact us about prices and days available. Prices may change depending on day and times.